Sunday, April 12, 2009

my easter celebration

i'm celebrating easter in my own way this year. partially by choice, partially by circumstance. so far, it's been a very peaceful day, which has been great for my soul.
in lieu of easter morning plans, i decided to take a walk. 

my goal was to slow down from my normal legel pace and try really hard to notice things. i really believe that holiness is everywhere; we just need to be willing to see it. i saw a lot of things this morning that i had never noticed. and there were many sights i saw that i see everyday, but i saw them in a new way. 

first was my hallway. i just love how the sun spills in. 
here is my living room. lovely sun shining on joanna's tree. 
this is right outside my apartment. this wrought-iron handrail looks handmade. i had never noticed it.

this lamp head reminded me of the statue of liberty...

i had never noticed, but these oak park plaques are on every lamp post.

i wonder what these numbers on this dumpster mean?

someone dropped their hearts.

thank goodness for directions!



  1. LRL - Whoa! We are on the same page, Sister! I just blogged and then came on over to this lovely virtual space to read your blog from Easter. Holiness everywhere - absolutely! Way to take the time to absorb it.

    Great pictures. Thanks for sharing your holy encounters.

  2. LRL. I just found your blog. Thank you for this post and all of the ones prior to it. I was really interested in the cycle of violence. I've always been intrigued by the fact that once we are abused- physically, emotionally- and know intimately how acutely it hurts and how deeply it wounds that we are more likely to turn around and do the same to another. I would love to hear more reflections on your classes.

    AND this Easter post was such a blessing to read Sunday. It made me think of the holiness that is all around us...and how often we pass right by.

  3. thank you for your wonderful comments, my dear friends. i truly appreciate your thoughts and your friendship.
