-did you hear about this story? an english teacher got in big trouble for complaining about her students on her blog. on one hand, i TOTALLY feel her pain. she said what we all think. on the other hand, her action was not professional. however, if she's going to get into trouble, i feel like students should get the same heat for blasting their teachers online (shout-out to the student who gave me a sassy "fuck you" on her tweet).

-i spent the weekend in madison for a retreat. i found myself at the capitol on saturday protesting with over 60,000 people against the proposed bill that would end unions and collective bargaining rights for civil servants. it was empowering. it was scary. it was inspiring. it was heartbreaking (especially to see kids holding signs in support of the bill. after approaching three kids, my friend mariah learned that they were adamantly against the bill because they were homeschooled. our hearts sunk a little to see how apathetic these kids were to what may happen to other kids in their state as a result of the proposed changes).
-relationships. whether platonic or romantic, they're complex, emotional, and ever-changing. the challenge, for me, has been accepting changing relationships and being open to new relationships. easier said than done.
-i bought NOW 37. it's amazing, in a horrible, pop culture kind of way.
-my goal for this week is to not eat french fries at lunch. this will be hard, as i love french fries and their sensual saltiness.
-quote of the day, as overheard at the gym by a mid-2o-something man: "yo, my mama say she would buy me a shaker weight. i'm like, mom! where's my shaker weight?!"

-this blog post has quickly digressed.
-i completely forgot how old i was yesterday. i was talking to amy, and i, for the life of me, couldn't remember. i thought i was 28. imagine my pleasant surprise when i learned that i was only 27!
-i have 300 written test responses i should be grading right now. *whimper
-ok. really. i have to do them. now.