as i've gotten older, i've realized just how debilitating such a life can be. to avoid doing things and spending money and going places because (gasp!) SOMETHING bad COULD happen keeps the body alive, but it kills your soul.
if you know me at all, you know that, if i get an idea in my head, i usually pounce on it (my inner cat, if you will). well, that happened on my birthday last year. i woke up, did a lot of thinking (i'm good at that), and realized how many opportunities i had missed out on in my 27 years of life because of fear: fear that i would fail, fear that i would end up broke and homeless, and fear that stepping out of the box would end in disaster. so i decided to change. and i have.
as you may know, i made a list of 11 adventures/new experiences to accomplish in 2011. i'm about half done after last sunday's skydive. in july i'm headed to rome, croatia, and spain. after that? who knows. but i know i'll be living. or at least i'll die trying.