ah, grad school. as i was talking about with my roommate last night, it's such a bittersweet endeavor. while i'm thankful for the education and while i enjoy what i'm learning, school really takes a toll on about every aspect of your life.
ever since i've started, there have been numerous occurrences when i have arrived at work, looked down, and said to myself, "really, lyndsay? honestly, did a monkey dress you?" clothes don't match, underwear is on inside out, and flys are down. but you're just too tired to put a functional outfit together at 6 in the morning after staying up late to study.
today i decided to wear a skirt. i thought i had heard it was supposed to be warm outside, so i dug into the depths of summer wear, which was kept in a storage bin under my bed. it didn't take me long after i left my house to realize that it was not appropriate to wear a skirt today as i passed person after person decked out in winter coats on my walk to the train. maybe people didn't notice i was wearing a skirt, you may say. false. my legs are whiter than my dad's dance moves. i think i saw people squint as i walked by, as the sun reflected off my legs and sent sunbeams burning into corneas. feeling already ridiculous for being optimistic in my dress, i looked down only to remember that i haven't shaved my legs in ages. so now i'm an inappropriately dressed sasquatch roaming around the office hoping no one notices my long flowing leg locks.
anyways, i blame my lover, grad school.
in thinking about all the other ways grad school adversely affects your life, i've come up with a few slogans. t-shirts coming to a wal-mart near you:
grad school: making people fat and out of shape since 1920.
tuition: $5250
books: $300
gas to drive to observations: $80
permanent bags under your eyes: priceless
i may not have any friends left, but at least i'm smart!
grad students: giving insomniacs a run for their money for the past 100 years
agoraphobic? nah, just a grad student.